Listening to: ABC - Date Stamp
What a great day today, full of weird for example:
What the hell is going to tell me this kind of dreams? =S
My dream began in a Hotel, a very good one, Ritz I think, once I got inside, the first thing I do is go out to see the swimming pool, the thing I found is the most famous bar in the world, the Moe's one (for those who don't know what I'm talkin about, just watch the simpsons) I was like "huh, oke, nevermind..." when I saw the Swimming pool I saw that it was full of fishes, it was like an small sea inside the Hotel, I turned my head to find out that my little brother and my dad are sitting in the border, fishing those fishes, suddenly I was so surprise like "Oh, nice to see u guys!", I thought that all those things out there were too much for me, so I got inside the Hotel I saw Conan O'Brien giving my uncle a new suit case as a price or something like that and He also gave my grandad some Rollers (You see...when I got up, I fliped just remembering this), an 80 something years old Man, with Rollers on his feet Rolling all over, even on the walls, jumping like if he was a professional, I finished clapping my hands while I watched the show.
I was confused, didn't know what was better, stay outside or inside, so I went outside again. I wore a Diamond ring on my right hand, and when I got closer to the pool, it fell from my hand into the water full of fishes, so I wondered what to do a few minutes, and an instant later I was there, swimming, looking for my ring, I saw a fish stealing it from the floor, so after following him, I went outside, really sad, and I saw Moe with I riffle, shooting bullets to a Mr. Bean Poster, when I heard a man Yelling that he was bored and he was leaving, I saw My uncle with his brand new suitcase, followed by my grandad on his rollers, and for his surprise, his suitcase was a bloody shit, because it started to have holes that grown and finally dissapeared...
Then I just woke up to see if it was a dream, and...Goodness Gracious! =), It was only a dream!
Today We had some kind of listening test at the english class, to improve or listening skills (naahh, I don't need to improve anything! I think I'm really good at this!), but anyway, tomorrow we'll go to see Slumdog Millionaire, and I hope to see that Steve Mcqueen Poster that I brought to the classroom
Finally... I found out that the only reason of why I write in English is that I want to improve it, and then people say I'm a bad student! Ha!, Well I wish I was as clever as Carlos Blanco, but I think I'm a small star shinning in her own way =)